Selenium Testing Training in Bangalore
Jacks Technologies provides best Testing Training courses in Marathahalli, Bangalore with most experienced professionals. We provide Selenium Automation testing in Bangalore at Jacks Technologies we designed to give participants the skills & knowledge to gain a competitive advantage in starting / enhancing a career in Testing industry. Participants receive up-to-date training in multiple areas in Selenium and a thorough understanding of real-world projects.
Our Trainers are experienced industry professionals and working in Selenium and related technologies for more than 10 years in MNC’s, Our team of Selenium trainers offers Selenium Classroom training, Selenium Online Training and Selenium Corporate Training services, Selenium Webdrive Training. Students have the option to select the course timings according to their convenience.
Introduction to Selenium
Components of Selenium
Selenium IDE, Selenium RC
Selenium WebDriver & Selenium Grid
Selenium IDE
Introduction to Selenium IDE
Installation of Selenium IDE, FireBug & Firepath
Locators : id, name, link text, class, css, xpath, tagname
Creating your First Selenium IDE script using Record & Play
Selenium RC
Introduction to Selenium RC
Intro to Selenium RC Architechture
Selenium Webdriver
Introduction to WebDriver
Installation of Selenium Webriver
Creating your First testscript using WebDriver
Parameterising Tests using Webdriver & Excel File.
Cross Browser Testing using Selenium Webdriver
Usage of asserts,Selenium WebDriver Commands
Locating Page and UI Elements
Commands for Text-boxes, Buttons
Commands for Radio buttons, Check-boxes
Commands for Select tag/Lists/Drop-downs, Tables
Commands to deal with Alerts, Popups and Multiple Windows
WebDriver Wait Conditions(Implicit & Explicit Waits)
Automation Frameworks : What is Automation Framework & Benefits
Types of Framework : Fundamental Concept of Datadriven, Keyword Driven & Hybrid FW
Introduction to TestNG
Overview of Features of TestNG
TestNG Annotations : @Test, BeforeMethod, AfterMethod, AfterTest, BeforeTest
Test Case Priority, DependsOn
TestNG Results output folder
Writing TestNG test case using the above annotations
Overview of Selenium Grid
What is Automation Framework ?
What is Automation Framework ?
Benefits of Automation Framework
Types of Framework with Selenium
What is TestNG ?
Benefits of TestNG
Installation of TestNG
Creation of TestNG Testcase
Creation of TestNG Test Suite
TestNG Annotations
Annotations @Test, BeforeMethod,
TestNG Annotations : @Test, AfterTest
BeforeTest, BeforeMethod, AfterMethod
BeforeSuite, AfterSuite,
Usage of DataProvider.
Grouping Tests.
TestNG Results output folder
Sequencing : DependsOn, Priority
Datadriven Framework
What is DataDriven Framework ?
Benefits of DataDriven Framework
Design Principles of DataDriven
Designing CORE FRAMEWORK Structure
Build Utility Functions
Reading TestData From Excel
Writing test result onto Excel
Using Assert & SoftAsserts
Build Base functions & validation functions
Integrating all the components
Keyworddriven Framework
What is Keyword Driven Framework
Benefits of KWDFW
Design Principles of Keywork Driven Framework
Designing CORE FRAMEWORK Structure
Identifying keywords & creating excel
Building excel file – testcases, methods, Xpath, testdata
Build Utility Functions – getdata,putdata, getrowcount
Build Base functions & validation functions
Integrating all the components
Hybrid Framework
What is Hybrid Framework ?
Benefits of Hybrid Framework
Design Principles
Designing CORE FRAMEWORK Structure
Desiging the controlling excel file
Building excel file – testcases, methods, Xpath
Building excel file – test data for each feature
Building base functions
Using Assert & SoftAsserts
Integrating all the components
Page Object Model with Page
Concept of Page Object Model
Build Page classes
Build basic reusable functions
Implement PageFactory Design Pattern
Annotations in Page Object Model Page
Concept of inheritance in java
Using Assert & SoftAsserts
Integrating the components
Other Advanced Topics
Introduction to Maven
Features of Maven
Advantages of Maven
Introduction to Jenkins
Features of Jenkins
Advantages of Jenkins
Weekend Classes: Avaliable
Online Training: Avaliabe
Regular Batch: 2Hours Per Day
Fastrack Batch: 2-3 Per 10Days
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