Android Training in Bangalore

Jacks Technologies will work with a squad of highly skilled, professional individuals who are dedicated to expand the horizon of the students. We have developed our curriculum based on advanced technology and always remain updated with the latest developments in the field. Jacks offer High Quality Android Training In Bangalore with most experienced professionals. Our Instructors helps Students & Professionals in Areas of Android technology. We have innovative Programs & Outstanding Faculty.

We do offer Fast-Track Android Training and One-to-One Android Training. Here are the major topics we cover under this Android course Syllabus Introduction, Java Fundamentals, Android Architecture, Significance of Android Project Structure, Android Application Components, Android Layouts, Android Views & Widgets, Menus & Messages, Intent & Intent Filters, Services, Broadcast Receivers, External Database Communication.


  1. Welcome
  2. Interface Overview
  3. Introduction to Android
  4. Downloading and Setup (2 hrs)
  5. Introduction to this section
  6. Windows – Install Android Studio
  7. Java Development Kit for Windows(32Bit Users Only!)
  8. Mac – Install Android Studio
  9. Linux – Install Android Studio
  10. Java Development Kit for Linux (32Bit Users Only!)
  11. Configure Android SDK on all Three Platforms
  12. SDK Configuration Continued
    Enable VT-X


  1. Introduction
  2. Android Studio Templates
  3. More on Android Templates
  4. Hello World
  5. Tour of Android Studio
  6. Setting Up a Virtual Device
  7. Running on an emulator
  8. Running on a physical Android device


  1. Introduction
  2. Setup Play Project
  3. The Constraint Layout
  4. Constraints and Resizing
  5. Positioning Widgets
  6. Inner Lines within a Widget
  7. Layouts on Different Devices
  8. More on the Constraints
  9. Baseline Constraints
  10. Constraining Widgets
  11. Add Scrolling Capabilities
  12. The Button Counter App
  13. Finish Layout
  14. Activites, Bundles and Classes
  15. Java Fields and Classes
  16. Asking good questions
  17. Button Click and onClickListener
  18. Fixing Some Issues
  19. Get Text and Null Checking
  20. ID Confusion and Challenge Time
  21. Save Instance State
  22. Activity Lifecycle
  23. Overriding Methods
  24. Logging and Bundle Data
  25. Wrap Up


  1. Introduction to this section
  2. Hello World
  3. Strings and Ints
  4. Arithmetic and String Concatenation
  5. Classes
  6. Encapsulation
  7. Multiple Constructors
  8. this and Calling Methods
  9. Object and Method Chaining
  10. Enum and ArrayList
  11. Testing Our Classes
  12. Inheritance
  13. Extending From a Class
  14. Overloading and Overriding Annotation
  15. Inheritance Challenge
  16. Repeating Code While
  17. for and for each Loops
  18. do while Loop
  19. Comparing Numbers and Objects


  1. Introduction to this section
  2. Demo Calculator App
  3. Calculator Interface Setup
  4. Continue with Interface
  5. Fine Tuning the Layout
  6. Create Landscape Layout
  7. Comparing FIles with Diff
  8. Comparing Directories
  9. Flowchart and onClickListeners
  10. Operation Button Listeners
  11. Implement Operations
  12. Decimal Point Bug Fix
  13. Bug Fix Challenge
  14. Guidelines
  15. Fixing Landscape Layout
  16. Add Neg Button to Layout
  17. Write Neg Button Functionality
  18. Add Neg Button to Portrait


  1. Introduction to this section
  2. Details and Setup
  3. Async Task
  4. Exectute Our Async Task
  5. doInBackground and downloadXML
  6. Exceptions and Buffered Reader
  7. Security Exception
  8. Stack Trace and the logcat
  9. Android App Permissions
  10. Processing XML Data
  11. XML Parsing Factory Classes
  12. Main XML Parsing Loop
  13. Testing the Program
  14. ListView and ArrayAdapters
  15. Array Adapter
  16. Adapter Layout
  17. Context and Layout Inflater
  18. Custom Adapter Implementation
  19. Improving the Adapter
  20. Adding Menus
  21. Get Menus for Multiple Feeds Working
  22. Menu Item Groups
  23. Implement Top 10 and Top 25
  24. Challenge Solution
  25. Generics Adapter


  1. Introduction to this section
  2. Details and Setup
  3. YouTube API Setup
  4. Add Second Activity
  5. Adding Layouts Dynamically
  6. Get Google API Key
  7. onInitialization Failure
  8. onInitialization Success
  9. Test App and Add Listeners
  10. Documentation and more testing
  11. Demo App and Create Layouts
  12. Standalone Activity
  13. Intents and Manifest File Changes
  14. Run and Test App
  15. Challenge Solution


  1. Introduction to this section
  2. Details and Setup
  3. Flickr API Usage
  4. API JSON and Validation
  5. Create Project
  6. Async Task
  7. Finish Download Code
  8. Download JSON Data
  9. Project Diagram and Photo Class Code
  10. Get Flickr JSON Data Class Code
  11. Create URI and JSON Parsing
  12. Implement Call Backs
  13. Make Get JSON Asyncronous
  14. Finish Off Code
  15. User Interface
  16. Recycler View
  17. Search and Photo Detail Activities
  18. Nesting Linear Layouts
  19. RecyclerView Adapter
  20. Implement Methods and Picasso
  21. Get Picasso Working
  22. Gesture Detector
  23. Touch Events
  24. Implementing Touch Methods
  25. BaseActivity and Serializable
  26. PhotoDetailActivity
  27. Material Design
  28. Material Design Continued
  29. Backwards Compatibility
  30. Style Sheets
  31. Custom Style Sheet
  32. Experimenting with Styles
  33. Other Material Design Changes
  34. Differences in API Levels and Challenge
  35. String Resources
  36. Search Menu Code
  37. SearchView
  38. SearchManager
  39. Implement Searching
  40. Shared Preferences
  41. Show Empty Search Message and Summary


  1. Introduction to this section
  2. Introduction to Databases
  3. Database Terminology
  4. Command Line and Path Setup for Windows
  5. Command Line and Path Setup for Mac
  6. Command Line and Path Setup for Ubuntu Linux
  7. Introduction to Sqlite
  8. More SQL with Sqlite
  9. Sqlite Querying Data
  10. Order By and Joins
  11. More Complex Joins
  12. Wild Cards and Views
  13. Housekeeping and Challenge
  14. Basic SQL in Android
  15. Debugging SQL in Code
  16. Cursor and Navigation
  17. Android File System
  18. Content Providers
  19. Setup Contacts
  20. Content Provider Example
  21. Contacts
  22. ContentResolver
  23. Permissions API 22 and Earlier
  24. Permissions API 23 and Higher
  25. Checking Permissions at Runtime
  26. Testing the app
  27. Avoiding Crashes and a Challenge
  28. More on Snackbars
  29. Intents setData and Uri’s
  30. Storing State vs Checking State Each Time
  31. Test Scripts, Challenge and Cleanup
  32. Tasktimer App Overview
  33. TaskTimer Database
  34. TasksContract class setup
  35. AppDatabase and SQLiteHelper
  36. onUpgrade and testing
  37. Create a new Content Provider
  38. UriMatcher and the query method
  39. More on Content Providers
  40. Testing our Content Provider
  41. Mime types and inserting records
  42. Add Update and Delete functionality to our Content Provider
  43. Content Values and SQL Injection attack prevention
  44. Add Main Menu
  45. How to update to a new SDK and Build Tools
  46. Add RecyclerView and LinearLayout
  47. Add Widgets and Constraints
  48. Add the “add_edit” Layout
  49. Set Widget Properties
  50. Task and Fragment Setup
  51. Reviewing Fragment Setup Files
  52. Setup for “Add Task”
  53. Add/Edit Functionality
  54. Add our OnClick Listener
  55. Cursor Loader
  56. Test CursorLoader
  57. RecyclerView Cursor Adapter
  58. Finish Adapter and Test
  59. Content Provider and notifyChange method
  60. Test App and Challenge
  61. Onclick Listeners and Callbacks
  62. Changes to Listener
  63. Test Edit, and Implement the Delete functionality
  64. Fragments in the Layout
  65. Alternative Landscape version of the Layout
  66. Fragments in Code
  67. Fragment Manager and Fragment Transaction
  68. Passing Data to Fragments
  69. Fix Edit Task In Portrait Mode
  70. Removing Fragments
  71. Removing Fragments Continued
  72. Topics Covered to Date
  73. Introduction to Dialogs
  74. Creating Dialogs
  75. More on Dialogs
  76. Cancelling a Dialog
  77. Adding a Delete Dialog To Our App
  78. Testing the Dialog
  79. Asserts & BuildConfig
  80. OnDismissWeird Behavior
  81. onBackPressed Method
  82. Yagni and onClose
  83. Using Multiple Dialogs
  84. Dialogs and the Up Button
  85. Creating an About Dialog
  86. Finish off About Dialog
  87. Displaying the About Dialog
  88. Testing App and Fixing Errors
  89. Versioning and build.gradle
  90. Dismissing Dialogue Alternatives
  91. Supporting Older Versions
  92. Compatibility Challenge Solution
  93. v21 Layout
  94. Finish and Test
  95. Using AppCompat Correctly
  96. Fixing AppCompat Issue
  97. Compatibility Libraries
  98. Compatibility Challenge and AppCompat

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