HTML Training in Bangalore

Our web design classes will be based on theory and practicals as per real-time standards. Our trainers are professional web designers with vast experience in creating websites. We conduct both One-One Training and Group Training as per the requirements of students. The course provides a comprehensive view of web design layout, styling, debugging and manipulating websites with a focus on design.

Topic covered in Html Training:

Welcome & What We’re Learning

What is HTML & CSS?

HTML Tags, Attributes & Elements

File & Folder Naming Conventions

Typical Website File & Folder Structure

Managing Your Production Files

Tools of the Trade

HTML Foundations:

  • Starting Your First Web Page
  • The Doctype

The Basic Structure of an HTML Document

  • Page Title
  • Headings
  • Paragraphs
  • Emphasis & Strong Emphasis
  • HTML Parent/Child Structure
  • Hyperlinks
  • Lists
  • Images
  • Address
  • Tables
  • Forms

HTML Special Characters

  • IDs & Classes
  • Span & Div
  • Header & Footer
  • Nav, Section & Article
  • Aside
  • Time
  • Abbreviations & Quotes

CSS Foundations:

  • The Style Rule
  • Inline styles
  • Internal styles
  • External styles
  • CSS Selectors, Properties & Values
  • Inheritance of Styles
  • Pixels, Percentages, Points & Ems!
  • ID Selectors
  • Class Selectors
  • Descendant Selectors
  • Grouping Selectors
  • Get Your Hands Dirty!
  • The Box Model
  • Colours (or Colors)
  • Text Styling & Formatting
  • Sexy Typography
  • Borders
  • Background Images
  • Styling Forms
  • Styling Links
  • Block & Inline Elements
  • Float & Clear
  • CSS Positioning
  • CSS Specificity

Introduction to Javascript

  • Introduction
  • “Hello World” with Javascript
  • Little History
  • Variables
  • Using ‘REPL’ style console
  • Data Types
  • Flavor of Javascript
  • The String data type
  • The Number data type
  • The Boolean data type
  • Comments
  • Operators
  • Expressions
  • ‘if-else’ statement
  • ‘switch’ statement
  • The ‘while’ loop
  • The ‘for’ loop
  • ‘break’ and ‘continue’
  • Functions
  • Variable Scope
  • Type Conversion
  • Javascript in a web page
  • Using external Javascript files

Objects & Arrays

  • What are objects?
  • Object properties
  • JSON- Javascript Object Notation
  • The ‘global’ object
  • Arrays in Javascript
  • Sparse Arrays
  • Arrays as objects
  • Length of an array
  • Iterating over an array
  • Deleting elements of an array
  • Methods in an array
  • Sorting arrays

Functional Programming with Javascript

  • Coverage
  • Functional paradigm
  • Higher Order functions
  • Anonymous functions
  • Nested functions
  • Closures
  • List Comprehension – filter function
  • List Comprehension – map function
  • List Comprehension – reduce function
  • Accessing variable number of arguments

Object Oriented Programming with Javascript

  • Coverage
  • Functions as Objects
  • The ‘this’ keyword
  • Constructor functions
  • Using the ‘prototype’ property
  • Inheritance using ‘prototype’

Weekend Classes: Avaliable

Online Training: Avaliabe

Regular Batch: 2Hours Per Day

Fastrack Batch: 2-3 Per 10Days

Free Demo Is Avaliable

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